New Year’s Resolutions

So, 2014 is coming to an end and -of course -there are personal resolutions that are going to be worked with. I will not post them, or say them aloud because -something like wishes- they might not come true if I say them. I want to be able to work with them myself. I will probably write them in a whiteboard I have in my room to motivate myself.

Resolutions are important, but actually achieving them is hard. If you don’t, your resolution is actually somewhat of a wish. 🙂 You can’t just say “I’ll ______ in this New Year.” (Insert “lose weight”, “gain money”, “get a boyfriend/girlfriend” in the blank.)

You actually have to work with it. If people start pressuring you and you don’t like that, then don’t share them. If you need that kind of positive pressure, do so. It all depends on how you work with it. In my case, it’s better to do it quietly.

I do have some resolutions for my blog, since I want it to grow more than it has. It’s my favorite thing to do, and it has helped me concentrate more on the details.

  • I’m thinking of posting quotes once a week in my blog, just in case I’m too busy and can’t blog. (Because let’s be honest: College is demanding.)
  • I’m also still asking for guest bloggers, if you want to do it, please contact me! I’m also available to write a blog post if you need me. I love doing those!
  • I also want to go out more and blog about it, post pictures, show you a bit more about the things around me!
  • I plan to blog about books sometime around the future as well, if time is on my side. (Wish me luck on this one xD)

This blog is to share my life with you all and to learn from you! Thank you for following, and I hope you keep joining me in the adventure that is my life. xD

I love you all! ❤ Happy New Year!!

The Liebster Award

Hello, everyone!

I had the honor of being nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Theodora Zheng! 🙂

It’s my second award and I’m too happy for words (Seriously, you have no idea.)

Okay, let’s do this!


  • Post 11 random facts about yourself

  • Answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you

  • Nominate 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to do the same

  • Let the bloggers know you have nominated know they have been nominated

11 facts about me… hm, let’s see:

  1. I am pretty sure my patronus is a dolphin
  2. I am addicted to the internet
  3. For the reason above, I don’t have internet in my phone
  4. My dream is to visit London.
  5. I hope to meet Taylor Swift one day. (Or see her in a concert. I love her music)
  6. I have recently started wearing lipstick and love it more than I thought I would.
  7. I have no survival skills whatsoever, so I would be the first to die in a dystopia or a horror movie.
  8. I get distracted too easily.
  9. I watch too many TV Shows.
  10. If I miss someone, I wait for him or her to make contact first from fear of being rejected.
  11. I spend a lot of time in my room. 😀

Questions, questions, questions!! 😀

1. Do you prefer cities, suburbs, or villages?

Cities. Even though I have never lived in one, I love how they’re always alive and that everyone always has somewhere to go 🙂

2. Do you find it more productive to write longhand (pen, pencil, paper) or on a computer/typewriter?

Depends on what I’m writing. If it’s for school, I prefer to write longhand first. It helps me concentrate. If it’s for a blog post, I actually prefer writing directly into a computer because I can edit while I’m writing. (I know, I’m weird like that!)

3. What’s your favorite flavored drink?

Huh, I might have to say a strawberries and cream frapuccino 😀

4. What is the dream closest to your heart (that you’re willing to share)?

To find love someday. 🙂

5. What song has been stuck in your head? Or what song have you been listening to recently?

Oh, this one’s easy. Blank Space by Taylor Swift 😀

“Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream!” 😉

6. Name something you do to destress.

Blog, read, listen to music, watch TV shows, etc xD

7. Describe your current fashion, and ideal fashion. If they’re different, what’s stopping you?

Current: a T-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Anything comfortable. My ideal fashion is to wear dresses, boots and everything with a skirt 😀 What’s stopping me? Both laziness and the fact that I have to wear jeans and comfortable clothes to my labs.

8. Why do you smile each day?

My family, music and my friends.

9. What’s the most pressing issue facing the world today? Not just America or your specific country, but the globe.

The fact that most of the people haven’t accepted that globalization is real, and that we’re all the same. Things have changed in the world, and the fact that centuries old prejudice is still going on sickens me.

10. How do you feel about Tuesdays?

I like Tuesdays. I like that they are not Mondays (I hate Mondays) and that I’m getting used to the week’s work. I also like the classes I take on Tuesdays next semester! 😀

11. Is the penny useful?

This is a curious question. I like the idea of pennies. I like that they’re small, and that without them, a dollar is not a dollar. 😀 (curious question, curious answer xD)

Now, for my questions!!

  1. What’s your favorite article of clothing? Why?

  2. What’s your favorite song?

  3. If you could choose a quote to live on for the rest of your life what would it be?

  4. Have you made any of your dreams come true?

  5. What’s your favorite book?

  6. Favorite movie?

  7. If you had to choose something to eat for the rest of your life, what would that be?

  8. What’s your favorite word? Least favorite word?

  9. Dream job?

  10. Dream place to travel to?

  11. Happiest day of your life?

So, I’ll tag some people (I don’t know how many followers they have, so I really don’t care! xD)

One Less Lonely Blog | Inertial Confinement | I Can’t Possibly Be Wrong All The Time | Oh, Read it in a Day | Feminine and Feline | The Girl in the Little Black Dress

Nat’s Top 10: Books Published in 2014

As you probably know, I was a book blogger for a while, and old habits die hard. 2014 was something else entirely for me. Reading, like I’ve said before, is my shelter, so the books I choose tend to be important. I read a lot of books this year, and I wanted to share my Top 10. These books were published this year, and each of them was amazing in its own way. I hope you like my list, and that some of your books coincide with mine!

10. Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

This is book 5 from the Bloodlines series. Last book ended with quite the cliffhanger and Richelle worked it out better than I thought. Something amazing happened.*starry eyes* (I still wonder how I didn’t see that one coming). This one also ended with a cliffhanger, so I guess that’s her style! (I should have gotten used to this a while ago *shrugs*). I started reading the Vampire Academy series last year and I couldn’t believe how good it was! Now Bloodlines is about to end and I will miss the characters! I can’t wait for what’s next for them.

9. The One by Kiera Cass

I waited a while for this one. I hoped for this ending, I really did, and I’m so happy about how it ended! It was all I wanted and more. America really evolved as a character during the trilogy, and Maxon did as well. This book almost made me cry for a while there. I care so much about these characters and when Kiera said there would be more books, I couldn’t be happier. I want more Selection books ASAP. (I will reread these books soon!)

8. Split Second by Kasie West

Pivot Point was one of my favorite surprises ever since one of my Twitter friends recommended it to me. Ever since I read it, I couldn’t wait for Split Second. When it came out, I had to have it… and it was worth it! The plot was as good as the first one (and as desperating) and the ending was satisfying. This book was different, and I want more like it!

7. Hollow City by Ransom Riggs

I read Miss Peregrine’s and this one, one after the other and really fast! This book was desperating, and intriguing and amazing and Ransom Riggs is a genius! I definitely love the “realistic” touch the photographs give it! I hope the movie can do these books the justice they deserve, because I would hate it if they did.

6. Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi

This book. You can’t understand how much I love this trilogy. I love Perry and Aria and Roar and how they met! I suffered while reading this book, and I smiled and I laughed and then I was anxious for it to end but then I didn’t want it to ever stop. I didn’t expect how much I would love books like this one, until I read them. I hope you read them and love them as much as I did. 🙂

5. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

People, Cassandra Clare is a genius! She could tie two storylines with this book, and still has room for more. Cassie’s Shadowhunter Chronicles are some of my favorite books. I loved how she worked everything out, how she tied all the loose ends! (The ones she left loose were left on purpose for the next books! :D) Personally, I love everything related to Magnus Bane…! I can’t say anything else because I will definitely drop a spoiler and I don’t want to 🙂

4. The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

The only flaw I could find with this book was the lack of Percy and Annabeth’s POV. Everything else? Flawless. Reyna’s trip to PR (which I loved!), Nico’s evolution as a character, Leo’s journey, even Jason! Ooh, and the ending. I suspected it would happen, but I wanted more. I. Wanted. MORE. I hope Rick’s new series features Annabeth, even a little. I mean… he’s her cousin… right? Now, I loved this book and I read it really fast, and then I regretted reading it that fast, since I waited too long for this to end.

3. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

I usually don’t like entirely cheesy stories, but Stephanie Perkins’ books are my weakness! Now… I didn’t know what to expect with Isla. I listened to the audiobook and I instantly felt in sync with her character, with her strengths and her weaknesses. I am glad to have met Isla. Isla and Josh’s story was so cute, and then there were cameos from Anna, Lola, Etienne and the gang! Seriously, I fell in love with both of them and I wouldn’t have it any other way with them. It was perfect. *starry eyes*

2. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

Ooh, someone give me some water and a fan because this one was hot! I loved this book, not just for the sexy times *wink, wink*, but for how much Juliette evolved during this trilogy. Seriously, she was this weak character that couldn’t defend herself, and now she is this amazing leader! Now, about those sexy times… Tahereh can write them right!! I couldn’t stop squealing and jumping from sheer happiness! *cough* chapter 55 *cough* I will always love the Shatter Me trilogy. Every single one of you should read it. 😉

Now, for #1. Can you guess what it is? I bet you can, if you read my tweets and saw my Instagrams… or were just close to me on the waiting period.

#1 is… The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin!!!

I waited 2 years for this book. Two. Damn. Years, and they were so worth it! Incredibly, it was better than I expected. I didn’t know what Michelle would do, I just knew it would be amazing, and she managed to surprise me. There they were, the answers I had been waiting for all along! The last book had ended on a note that had left me speechless for a while, and then I couldn’t stop talking about it, and recommending the book to everyone so my friends could read it and suffer as much as I did. (Bookworm love, I guess!) I will most definitely not tell you how it ended so you can die- I mean, read it and then tell me what you think. I really hope you love it as much as I did. The Mara Dyer trilogy has been my absolute favorite for a while. (and it probably will always be. Thanks, Michelle.)

Honorable mentions!

These were two amazing books that I read this year and that were almost on my list. Lizzie is there because… well, it’s Lizzie Bennet and I could listen to her, read her story or watch her videos forever. Positive is here because Paige Rawl’s story is inspiring and I wish more people could be touched by her words. I hope her story will be read by people for years, and that they learn from her.

Merry Christmas!

Hello, guys! Merry Christmas!

I hope your holidays have been great and that you’re enjoying your gifts!

Sorry I haven’t been able to blog much (or at all). My family’s schedule has been hectic the last week. A lot has happened, we’re still doing the novenary (9 days of rosaries after a person’s burial). It has basically been a chain reaction after my aunt’s death, but we’re pulling through. I’m sure we’ll do fine in no time!

Today was nice, though. I sat with my cousin and rewatched Sherlock episodes (this is my dream holiday xD). I’ll probably watch the DW Christmas special tonight or tomorrow, depends on how addicted I get to Pottermore. (Add me! I’m FelicisSeeker123)

P.S. I have a book post scheduled for the 30th 27th and I’ll be sure to blog a bit more than I have done before.

Until next time,

Nat 🙂

change and happiness: directly proportional variables by Natalie

A guest post I wrote for my friend Inertial Confinement. 🙂
I hope you like it.

crimson kas

super-cool-awesome guest post

Hello, everyone! Today it’s time to set your phasers to follow as I am hosting Natalie of Science, Books, and Silly Things. Natalie is one of my dearest Twitter friends, and I’ve been enjoying reading her blog for a while now. I encourage you to check her out on her blog and on Twitter ( @EvolutionofNoah ). Now, without further ado, I present to you: Natalie!!! *applause*


Change and Happiness: Directly Proportional Variables. 🙂

Hello, followers of Inertial Confinement! I’m Natalie, and I’m so glad to be here. I want to thank my dear host for asking me to write something for her blog. I wanted to write something that is quite relevant to me. Dreams are most certainly important to us. But let’s be honest: How much change are we willing to embrace in order to follow them and be happy? I hope you like it!


View original post 571 more words

I miss her.

Hello, people that follow my blog! This is a sad one, but it is also short. I hope you don’t mind.

My aunt died today. I haven’t cried, I haven’t screamed, I haven’t showed any kind of emotion. All I feel is guilt. Why? Because I didn’t express my love towards her a lot lately. And I loved her, a lot. I regret not spending time with her. When I found out she had had a heart attack last Monday, I had resolved to spend more time with her. To work with her, to get to know her more. That’s after I stopped thinking in anatomical and physiological terms, of course. Because that’s me.

Anyway, last Thanksgiving, she and my uncle threw a party. Almost all my family went there, and I didn’t go because I was studying for finals and I was seriously tired from the test I had the day before. (Excuses, excuses, I know). That’s my defense mechanism… For a while today I thought I didn’t have any feelings, then I realized I just haven’t been able to imagine life without her. I just wish I had spent more time with her, I wish she knew how much I loved her, and how much I will miss seeing her work when I drove around my neighborhood.

Today, my family was united in a way I hadn’t seen in years. The fact that it happened because of this is sad, but I hope it stays this way. Losing someone that you care about is sad enough without knowing you could have done more for them. I hope I learned my lesson.

Say I love you once in a while, tell your family, tell your friends. Spend time with them, because you don’t know how much time you have left.


This is a fast one. I just thought I could talk about how memories must be cherished… and how pictures help! 🙂

I tend to save a lot of pictures. I also tend to forget them as time passes by. Today I went through some pictures that reminded me of how life used to be. I also realized I haven’t changed much, even if years have gone by. I’m still kind of naive, but I like that about myself. I like being able to see the good in people. I also realized I miss some people and things I had some years ago. I wish I had realized earlier how much I valued them.

There’s a Perks of being a Wallflower quote that fits this post perfectly. IMG_1672

“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.”

Even if we want some moments to last forever, they won’t. And that is good. If they didn’t, life would be suspended in them, and they wouldn’t be as special as they are. It is nice to remember, because this teaches you that life isn’t always sad. In fact, the happy moments are so worth it! And more and more will be added to this category!!!

GE DIGITAL CAMERAThe thing about pictures is that they help you save those moments, the ones that mattered the most. Memories fade away, but pictures, if stored properly, can last forever. I plan on printing my favorites and making a collage in my room.


It’s amazing to know that someday, everything that is happening will become just a memory. Maybe you’ll remember what you’re living right now and think about it as the best days of your life, even if you don’t think so right now.

IMG_5520Value what you’re learning, what you’re doing. Save it all in your memory, write about it in your blog, in your diary. You’ll cherish all these moments -the good and the bad- sooner or later,

Thanks for reading!!

Guys!! I’m looking for guest bloggers! If you’re interested, just tweet me at @EvolutionOfNoah or email me at

Finally feeling the Christmas Spirit!!

Hello, people! As you might have seen if you follow me on Twitter, I have been going through a bit of stress lately, finals week and all, but not anymore! I finished my last final today!

Yes, my dear followers, the time has come. CHRISTMAS BREAK IS HERE, and Nat is ready to

(And no, I will not build a snowman because, even though I do want to build one, I live in PR. Limits do exist, you know)

I am free now for a whole month! Someone give me a sock because

I plan on doing quite a few things this Christmas break. I will binge watch TV Shows and will probably watch LoTR and Star Wars for the first time in my life. (Do not judge me. I know I lost my nerd privilege long ago because of this). I will also work on a few blog posts I have planned, including a list of my favorite books from 2014. I have wanted to do this for a while and I’m so happy to be able to do it now! Not everything is fun, though, and I plan on studying for my classes before I even take them. (Synthesis, mechanisms and nervous system, here I come!)

Anyhow, people, time for me to leave… for now. You’ll see quite a bit from me this month and a half.

LoveLoveLove, Nat

Friendship and participation (?)

This is definitely not one of my usual posts… I just needed to vent a bit, you know…

This is weird.

I started out this blog to push myself to participate further in life, and I have tried. But I don’t know… maybe I am not meant to have nice friendships or a social life. I have never had a healthy friendship. I don’t seem to know how.

Friendship has always seemed this foreign concept for me. No one has ever felt that burning compulsion to tell me anything about their life. (Apart from family). I have felt it, with several people, but they always seem to find someone better. Someone smarter, funnier, and with better possibilities, I guess. I guess what I’m trying to say is that… Wasn’t college meant to be better?

I mean, I am definitely not alone in life. I have friends, but no one considers me their best friend, and that has been something that has hurt me for a while now. I know I should get over that soon, but I can’t. Not while I have Facebook, or see their Instagram pictures of things they do while I am not there.
I am a natural sciences student, and I know that requires time but even my classmates (and former friends) find out ways to interact with each other. *shrugs* I wish I was a part of that.