Hospital IPPEs!

Hi, dear followers!

I’ve wanted to write about my hospital IPPE for a while.

(IPPE stands for Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience, by the way)

I do not have many followers who study pharmacy or are interested on this field, but let’s be honest, it’s as much a part of me as books or k-drama, so bear with me just this once!

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I started my practice experience 2 days after I got arrived from a 9-day-long trip with my friends, which totally meant I needed some rest, which… I did not get. Anyhow, I was scared to death, as I felt like I forgot every single drug on the phase of the Earth. At least, on my first day, my preceptor assigned someone to give me a tour and teach me the ropes, and I got the chance to get my flu shot *cough*. During my second day, she gave me this whole pamphlet full of policy and rules. Believe me, reading everything is on your best interest, but it took me hours. Once I finished it, I was able to look for an actual function at the pharmacy.

During this IPPE, we were assigned a case presentation, where we examine a patient’s hospital stay and analyze what could be done, what was right and what was not okay. It felt incredible, because if you think about it, you always work on these cases during class, but seeing all of it unfold in real life was something else. In the end, the patient was transferred to another hospital, so I wasn’t able to oversee much else, but they remained on my thoughts. There are other patients whose names will be always on my mind as I’ll forever wonder if their health improved.

I believe I enjoyed this practice more because it was more clinical than a community setting. I was able to interact with so many other healthcare professionals and visit other facilities. I was also able to study different disease states that are not as covered in community practice.

Sadly, there is a huge con to this practice, especially if you appreciate patient interaction above all else: You’re at a computer, searching for papers, guidelines or mistakes on orders most of the time, and protocols are followed directly with the physicians/nurses. Hospital pharmacists, at least on my practice setting (and my classmates’), rarely interact with patients.

To close this post, some things I learned during my hospital IPPE:

  1. Do not ignore the guidelines during class. You may have the PowerPoints there, but you MUST know where to look when you are asked a clinical question.
  2. Learn your medication brands. At least on my practice site, medications were organized having in mind BRANDS, not generics, and it was a hassle until I got the hang of it. (GBR helps. A LOT)
  3. I’m praying that they let you wear sneakers. You’ll need comfortable shoes. Your feet WILL hurt. (this also happened on community pharmacy but *shrugs*)
  4. Do not worry about being annoying. ASK as much as you can. You’re there to learn, and honestly? They know that. Besides, having someone knowledgeable about how the pharmacy works is beneficial to them.

I, sadly, did not get any pictures during my practice except for this one (although this is certainly a quality picture):

I hope you enjoyed this post!

-Nat ❤

Bye, bye, 2018. (Part 1: Life!)

Hello, my dearies! It’s me, and I’m back one last time (this year). 

I just realized I did not post anything on New Year’s Eve last year -understandable, I still had no electricity –therefore, no WiFi — and I was basically wallowing and watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. (Fun, right? Actually I loved it!)

I do not know exactly what I’ll be doing, although… who am I kidding? I’ll be crying watching the reputation Stadium Tour on Netflix. (And remembering those happy times :D)

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So, let’s start with a recap of what happened this year, shall we?

I. Actually. Started. Driving.

I needed a push (a $10 5-minute Uber ride, to be exact. Don’t. Ask.) to take my car to uni and become more independent. Watching To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before also helped, if I’m honest. Lara Jean described my issues with driving perfectly, and if she could get over them, drive to her prince charming and get the happy ending she deserved, then I could, too, for crying out loud! except for the prince charming part I’m still single as heck

photo_2018-12-28_18-45-12So, I started driving. And of course I’ve had the classic road rage, the frustrations with driving daily. But I still love the freedom it has given me. I can finally go places without needing eternal help (except for my laziness sometimes… and the fact that I dislike driving at night) I wouldn’t ever go back.

This semester was HELL. And I survived.

When people told me the first semester of my P2 year would be awful I kind of thought they were exaggerating. Honestly? I am proud of myself for surviving and sticking through the end. I’m proud of my classmates who all passed Microbiology (aka the worst of the worst!) 2 exams a week since October is something I did not think I could handle until now.

I finally got my immunization certification.

If I’m scared of anything, it is to have to stick a needle to someone else. My coordination is non-existent. Somehow, though, I learned how to do this without hurting someone else. Huh.

The reputation Stadium Tour.

I mentioned this on an earlier blog post, but of course I had to mention it again. It was a life changing experience to get to travel and see my favorite artist. I shall never forget it, and now that there will be a Netflix event, I will be able to watch my favorite parts over and over again. Is this what happiness feels like?

Home Updates

Still working on it –hoping next year’s the year we actually move in. Selfish reasons aside, I want my family to rest already 😦 Some obstacles still need to be overcome, though. Wish us luck!


To finally reach the 50% PharmD milestone this summer. To eat healthier. To stop eating junk food. To be more organized. Wish me luck, I guess 🙂

How was YOUR year? Did you get to achieve some of your goals? Do you have any goals for 2019? 

PS: Part 2: TV Shows and Part 3: Books are coming up!



A new update: IPPEs and Taylor Swift

Hello, my dear followers who I haven’t really spoken to in a while O.o (!!!)

How are you? How are you doing? -you probably will not answer these in the comments, it’s fine. *cue the crying*

My second year of pharmacy school is about to begin -I know. Shocking- and I wanted to catch you up with what’s happening in my life.

IPPE Community (aka my first practice experience)

How can I say this? I learned so much during my three weeks practice experience. I don’t think anyone truly knows what happens behind a pharmacy counter, except for the ones working there. Honestly? I couldn’t have been more blessed with my placement.

They were so nice and patient with my questions and my inexperience. They were willing to teach me, and I wish they knew how much I appreciate this. My preceptor, the technicians and the other pharmacists working there: I love you, and I want you to know I had lots of fun and that I hope that my future site of work has a similar environment.

rep tour!

If you follow me anywhere, in any social media -Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat (@fearlesslynat) -you’ll know that THIS HAPPENED.

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I MUST BE DREAMING #reptouratlantanight2 #reptouratlanta

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Somehow, thanks to a friend who lives there (Shoutout to Ashley!!) I was able to attend the reputation tour. Even as I’m writing this, I keep believing it was a beautiful dream. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see the wristband, my t-shirt and the pictures on my phone.

Honestly, if a few months ago you had told me that I would travel on my own to see my favorite artist on her biggest tour to date, I would have said you were joking. I’d been wanting to see her for 9 years, and I had stopped hoping for a while.

Still- it happened, and I have the evidence to prove it. ❤

My current obsessions:

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: You’ve probably heard about it already, but it’s amazing! I’ve been reading the books and I’m literally in love with Peter K. But shh, watch the movie on Netflix, or even better, do what I didn’t and READ THE BOOK FIRST. You won’t regret it!

Meteor Garden: It’s basically a Chinese Boys over Flowers remake, but I’m LIVING for Daoming Si and Shancai’s story. It’s on Netflix (US) and honestly, I’m obsessed.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty: I’m both watching the kdrama (It’s really cute) and reading the webtoon translation. They both cover important topics such as the idea of beauty and how much it could either improve your life, or consume you. I would say it’s a must watch.

Other ramblings

As for my home, it’s still under construction. I’ll most certainly post when it’s done. I can’t wait to have space for my books and my things!

I’m starting my P2 year, and I’m really scared, but I’m HOPING no hurricanes arrive this season. I do not think I would be able to handle it again (and people here haven’t really recovered from the damage yet. Let’s hope we get some rest and a normal pharmacy year (haHA like these words could ever be included in the same sentence!)

Whoa, two posts the same week! Is this what they call a miracle? Still- thanks for reading and I hope to see you all soon!

You can find me here:

Twitter: @fearlesslynat

Instagram: @fearlessly.nat

Snapchat: @fearlesslynat

3 years into blogging: My graduation and the start of a new stage

A few notes before I start this post:

  • I started blogging 3 years ago! Can you believe it? (I most certainly can’t ) As I have told you before, I did not expect to be blogging for so long… but here I am. 🙂 I am sure 18/19 year old Nat wouldn’t imagine how nicely life is treating me right now… I’m happy. ❤

wordpress anniversary

  • I’m currently on a Twitter hiatus! This is why you have probably not seen me around for a while. I’m trying to concentrate on my studies and Twitter is literally a black hole I could stay in for hours. *shrugs* 


Hello, everyone that is still somehow following me! I am still alive after my first few weeks in pharmacy school! That is an accomplishment, right? This post will probably be full of pictures… Are you ready for it? (Yes, I’m writing this post while listening to the new Taylor single. I’m a Swiftie. Keep up!)

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Let’s see… Some huge events in my life that should get their own post, but since I’m short in time, here we are!

  • finally  graduated! Somehow I survived everything… And even though graduations are supposed to be boring with protocol and such, it was so much fun (even though my best friends did not attend *narrows eyes*)

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  • Literally as soon as I graduated, I went directly to the apartment where I’m staying while I’m studying, so I did not have much time to think. The day after my graduation, I went to my first day of orientations at my new uni. That was both cool and scary.
  • That first week, I had my white coat ceremony. Simply getting to wear that coat for the first time as a student pharmacist is a moment I will always cherish. (And the fact that my best friend was there to see it all made it all worth it. ❤ )

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A few notes on my experiences in pharmacy school so far:

  • I have not taken any exams (yet), but they’re getting closer, and I have been studying along with my roommates so I can survive. (My first exam’s from biochemistry, so I’m crossing my fingers!)
  • My professors are from different parts of the world and I’m loving that… even though understanding their accents was hard at first. (Still working on some of them… I will succeed at understanding them all! You’ll see!Resultado de imagen para buffy gifs
  • love my class. Everyone just wants to help each other pass and have fun along the way. I really hope we become really close. ❤


  • As for my experience staying away from home, it has definitely been better than expected. I love my roommates and our dynamic. ❤ (Even though… uh… our bathroom roof (plaster?) fell last week. And that same day there was a blackout. That’s life, I guess *shrugs*)
  • As for my reading, I’m around 25% done with Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab and I’m loving it. ❤

These: the good, the fun, the bad, the ugly, are experiences that I will never forget. I sincerely love this stage of my life, and the people I’m sharing it with.

Somehow, I’m back. *waves*


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When was the last time I posted? *checks*

Uh-oh. I can’t believe you’re still following me after my inactivity these past months! Still- I’m back! And I even changed my About page a bit *winks along with the hint*

The possible strike I mentioned in this post? Yep, it happened. And that’s why I took my last final last week. In JULY. Writing July on my class notes and exams was a surreal experience to say the least 🤗 but we survived… and my last grades were worth it. Even though I didn’t have to finish my degree to start classes in August.

It’s also why I’m graduating(!!!) in August instead of June, when we were still taking classes to catch up. My graduation is also the night before my orientations start at my new uni- so watch me try not to fall asleep the next day. I’ll try and keep you informed. 😂

I didn’t do much but read and watch TV shows during those 2 months I was at home -I even caught up with my Goodreads challenge… only to lose my winning streak when Uni started again. *shrugs* Let’s see if I can at least catch up during the next 3 weeks :3 I guess I should have caught up with my blogging as well, but it was my procrastinating self’s (read: my) fault.

I also decided on an apartment to live in for the next year while I study and met my two roommates. I have high hopes, people! I think it will be an Experience… even though I am honestly scared to death. I’ll really try to keep in touch the next months as I get used to the place and to being in a graduate school, living away from home… and to being called a student pharmacist. (eeeep!)

Stress… interviews and BEST VALENTINE’S DAY EVER

Hello, everyone! It has been a while (I always say this, but it’s true.)

Well, this post will be (kinda) long and divided into several parts. It was a long period of time since I posted, and I do want to catch up with everything that happened (Or at least some of it!)

(I do have awesome news at the end of the post )

January: The month when I kind of realized I’m graduating.

January passed without major events in my life. Uni started quite late, so I don’t have much to tell about it, except for the fact that…

I. Started. My. Last. Semester. As. An. UNDERGRAD. aka I’m GRADUATING THIS JUNE.

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**The actual date for graduation might vary because of strikes and stuff, but… it’s happening 🙂

I still can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I applied for graduation! (I won’t be able to believe it even when I graduate!)

Okay, apart from this, January was uneventful. I spent the month quite anxious because I finished my Pharmcas application in December and I was waiting for an answer. Or at least the link for my supplemental application. The link arrived with January, and that was that! I told myself I was not expecting anything, I was just trying for the sake of trying. (I still checked my email everyday even when my phone got push notifications for every email) The end of January arrived along with news that one of my friends got an interview for the school I had applied to (Yes, school. As in ONE pharm school) and, even though I knew for a fact that he had applied at least a month before I did… I started losing hope (the small amount of hope I had allowed myself to feel).

February: “Whoa, is this really happening?”

February, the month of love, and valentines and the full expression of capitalism 🤣  arrived… and I tried to stop thinking about grad school. I am only taking three classes this semester and I had to at least try to make it count! Six days along, I was minding my own business… and I got it. An email for an interview.

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**My reaction went along somewhat like this.**

Still. The interview was three days after… and I was not prepared at all.

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I went to the mall, bought an outfit, read A LOT about interviews for college and how they went (along with info about my specific program) and I was as ready as I could be! So, fast forward three days later… I was on my way to my (hopefully) future university with my mom and my phone’s GPS.

We got there 2. Hours. Earlier, expecting to be able to park close to the building and wait. That was not possible… So the guard let me enter the building and I got to the office. (They were really nice but I was dreading the long wait). When I entered the office, there were two girls (women? Do I start saying women on this case? I still don’t feel like a woman O.o) . The point is… they looked professional. Ready to be interviewed and being successful in the future. I did NOT feel like that, so I just prayed that my interviewers were nice enough to a person who did not feel as qualified.

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The secretaries told a group of Pharmacy students to give me a tour, and I went along with them and asked them the questions I did not dared to ask during the Open House last June. (“Do I really have to buy an iPad?” Yes. “Do I have to wear a professional outfit all the time?” No, scrubs will do.) They were so nice (probably because they needed the points for a class they were taking, but they helped calm my stress so I appreciate it a lot). In the end they simply told me to go with the flow of the interview and that I would be fine. I went back to the office, met with the women who were going to be interviewed, and waited to be called. The secretary checked my transcripts and my data, told me everything was clear, and that was that.

The time of my interview finally arrived. To be honest, those 45 minutes were mostly a blur. I do remember them asking about my motivations (tricky question), about what defined me as a person and what frustrated people about me. (That one was particularly hard to answer.) They said to wait 3-4 weeks for a decision… and that was that. I got out, not entirely confident about what I had said, but really happy that they had been so nice and had listened to everything I said. My mom told me that even if buy any chance they didn’t accept me, I had a good experience. I would go through everything again. I felt comfortable, even after that stressful experience. 🙂

My friend had told me he received an answer days after his interview. I did not expect my situation to be the same. He does have better credentials (and GPA) than I do. I was willing to wait three weeks, after which I would probably start the process again. (And probably taking other exams to up my probabilites)

I woke up in Valentine’s Day particularly happy, for some reason. A lot of people asked me why I was so perky, and I really did not know. I mean… I was as single as the rest of the year. Perhaps it was the possibility of getting chocolate?

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I spent the day with my friends, had lots of fun (and candy. Lots of candy.) And my Physics class arrived along with the news that we would take a home test. (That was reason enough to be happy, right?)

And then I got it. THE email. I literally got out of my classroom with my phone, ran and tried to call my parents. They. Did. Not. Answer. I was literally shaking and almost cried. I told my friend… I was out of the classroom for about 15 minutes while I calmed down. I probably won’t ever forget Valentine’s Day. It will be impossible to forget the day when my life changed.

Well… these are the news I have for you. Somehow, I am enough. And I still don’t believe it. (And I probably won’t until I get there.) I will try to keep you informed of all the steps I have to take from now on.

I’m proud to officially announce I’m in the NSU College of Pharmacy, Class of 2021. GO SHARKS!