Bye bye, 2016.

2016, a year for the books, right? I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write… and now that we’re two hours away from saying goodbye (here in Puerto Rico, as I’m writing this), I guess it’s time to think about what happened to me during this… eventful year. Shall we?

This will be sort of a numbered post since I don’t have much time… 😀

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  1. First sleepover: Some of you will roll your eyes to the back of your head with this… but this was a milestone for me. Being invited let alone the fact that I was allowed to go? That was huge for me. That was one of the best nights of my life. I’m so glad it happened.
  2. PCAT: I took it. I survived. And I’m currently waiting after I submitted an application to a pharmacy school. Is this scary or what? That was also the time of my second sleepover. Will there be a time where I stop counting them?Resultado de imagen para grinning gif
  3. Time to get my GPA up! And it did. It totally did and now I’m finally competitive enough for at least a chance. I’m so happy… even though might not be enough, I’m still up for a fight.Resultado de imagen para fight gif
  4. Turning 21: It was not as exciting as how many people experience. Probably because I don’t drink? But it was still a milestone. And what made it a happy day for me was that my friends actually remembered and made it special.Resultado de imagen para aww gif
  5. And as for the sad part, more death in my family. I still have no clue why this all keeps happening… but it did. Again. And the distance between my extended family and I feels kind of unsurmountable right now. Let’s hope for new beginnings next year? Resultado de imagen para skeptical gif
  6. (NOT) finishing my goal amount of books? I accepted some months ago that I wouldn’t make it this year. These past semesters were kind of brutal… I am lucky I could finish SOME books… I’m hoping this perpetual slump could end ANY minute now…Resultado de imagen para sigh gif
  7. Becoming obsessed with k-Dramas. It was bound to happen. *shrugs* I can’t imagine myself without them now.Resultado de imagen para goblin kdrama gif
  8. Speaking of obsessions…

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I wanted to say something else, too, before the year ends. I missed lots of things, things I could have blogged about… and I did not. I could say I did my best for my blog, but I didn’t. I am not going to promise to post more. It would be pointless… But I’m still going to try. I deserve it, and you deserve it too. 2017 is so important, you see. I FINALLY graduate during next year! And whatever happens… I want to share this next stage with you all. Like I said, I’m going to try. Let’s see how it goes.

Signing off for the year;


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Catching Up! :)

It’s been a while, WordPress. I’ll refrain from apologizing… maybe read my last post (if you are wondering why) 🙂

Still, I did not post during certain important days and that’s kinda sad. Last semester was full of work… I did tell you that I was taking an unusually big amount of classes -BUT I SURVIVED!yy2

Let the catching up begin!  

I still haven’t quite recovered… although my grades were something else! (I mean… for a semester when so much happened to me) I still have no clue as to how that was possible, but I’m thankful. I’m so, so thankful. I also missed posting on my birthday (my 21st birthday…) which I spent at uni taking classes… and since my brother was sick, I couldn’t do much but eat pizza that night. (Needless to say, pizza was more than enough for me)

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But it was definitely okay… my friends were there and they did not forget and it was a really nice day. I had a happy birthday… even when I had to take biochemistry.

Apart from my birthday, though, November was FULL. OF. WORK. Like… I did not think it would all end, until it somehow did.

In the spirit of wrapping up this semester  (and forgetting that it ever happened). (yeah, right), a class by class round up:

  • Biochemistry- taking it was… interesting. Basically full of self-study… since… well… I didn’t understand anything while taking it. 😀 My professor gave me a letter of reference, though, which was definitely awesome. 🙂 (Also full of memes and gifs my friends and I sent to each other while taking it xD)
  • Statistics- This gif will suffice. There was no time for this and I studied the day before for all my tests.

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  • Economics-

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My professor was sick and he was absent basically all semester so he only sent us two projects. Life. 

  • Life cycle seminar: “The professor you chose will not give you your class! The hardest one will!” “Let’s get all into groups to talk about how our cousins and aunts and parents somehow relate to the topic that we’re covering!” “Let’s do a portfolio about health service centers that’s worth 45% of your class grade!” “Let’s not forget about sending your professor your project at the wrong email and finding out an hour later!” Don’t ask me how, but it all worked out in the end. I still don’t know what happened.
  • Conversational English- Incredibly… It was my favorite class this semester. I was so worried about the presentations and the dialogues and I was regretting choosing it from day 1, until I met my professor and my group. It was our safe space this semester… no judgement, and everyone was so kind to one another! If I could take it again I would in a heartbeat. 🙂
  • Developmental Psychology- I was so confident I would get an A at first… and then the second and third exams happened. xD I spent hours  working on that final project, and it all somehow worked out in the end. *basically cries with relief*

Aaaaaand, the round-up is over! Which means where back to present day. Which probably could mean one thing: Stray thoughts:

Christmas has been great; Dad is here until the 4th, I’ve been watching k-dramas and movies during these past 2 weeks…! I’ve taken lots of pictures and even posted some of them. Everything is awesome… except for… the slump. I have not been able to finish a new book since I read Ari and Dante a month ago. (Except for “The Rest of Us Just Live Here”, but it was so meh that it does not even count… sorry.)

*By the way, guys? You should totally read Ari and Dante. It’s beautiful!*

Still, today I worked with my Goodreads shelves and loaded a couple of books to my Kindle. Let’s see if I can get out of this slump.

Also, did anyone watch the Sense8 Christmas special? That was AMAZING! And I can’t wait until May when I’ll probably binge watch the whole season in one sitting. I’m also anxiously waiting for season 4 of Sherlock and will probably watch it along with my friend. 🙂

If you’ve somehow read until the end of this post, thank you, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas. 🙂

… *Sings* And a Happy New Year!