
Hello, guys! *insert peace sign emoji* What’s up? I’ve been seriously busy these past few weeks, with Uni and everything. (But that’s no excuse. I know. I just haven’t known what/how to write. It’s sad, I know)

But I’m here, that counts for something. *smiles*

I cannot believe I’m twenty years old (not while I am writing this post, but when it’s posted, I will be). Most of the people would spend their last hours of their teenage years partying/drinking with their friends. Instead, I’m blogging while I listen to Adele’s new album. And the past 2 days? Watching Marvel’s Jessica Jones. –I know, I know. I’m such a fun and interesting person to follow!-

My point is that, let’s be honest, most of the time this is me, trying to be/become an adult:


(I know, right? I excel at this!)

Anyway, I had so many resolutions I wanted to have achieved by the time this day arrived. Needless to say, after everything that has happened to me this year, I’ve only been able to achieve 3 of them. Specifically:

3. Get my GPA up. Seriously, that is a must for me!

9. Develop an opinion.

10. Share said opinion with the world

(Still working on that last one!)

I know I have said these things before, but I mean it. Blogging helps. It’s a cathartic exercise. If I’m completely honest, I don’t even know how I feel most of the time.  I’ve slowly realized how I feel about many things and people, and have started to open up about them. Even if I haven’t blogged as much as I would want this year, I always find myself organizing my thoughts to understand them better and being able to write them down.

One of them, though, is the best advice I could take right now.

19. In general, to Keep moving forward.

I said it would be my motto for this year, and it has been. I have to admit this has been the hardest year of my life, and I’ve taken it surprisingly well. Of course I (and the rest of my family) have taken hits! But we’re survivors.

I should celebrate that I am alive, satisfied about what I’ve done during this past year, and thankful that I have the chance to make things better next year.

Happy birthday to me! 🙂