My Life Through Books Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Bridget to do this one, and it seems so fun!

Baby: Did you like to read when you were little?

Yes. I learned to read at a very young age, and my parents have told me that even before that I loved listening to my mom when she read to me.

Toddler: What was your favorite picture book?

Uh… I really do not remember. I’m pretty sure it was one of these story compilations. It was blue… and had lots of fairytales. I loved it with a passion.

Child: Did you go through/are in a book ‘phase’? (Like reading the thickest books, reading all of an author’s books etc.)

Uh… I am still on my Harry Potter phase…! I also read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was little.

Tween: What books made/make you feel grown up?

I read 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. THAT one made me feel grown up. I still feel proud about that one. I plan on rereading it soon. 🙂

Teen: What are/where books that you rave/d about?

Twilight, I must admit. Mara Dyer, Shatter Me, Vampire Academy, The Fault in Our Stars… etc. Guys, I am in my last teen year, so yeah…

Adult: What are books that used to seem boring to you but now you really like?

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. It’s one of my favorite books ever… Mom told me it was amazing, but I must admit I didn’t give it a chance until 2 or 3 years later… and I read it in English.

Elderly: What book from your childhood and/or teen years that you still cherish?

Harry Potter, of course, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Little Prince, The Da Vinci Code (I read that one when I was in 4th grade)… So yeah. 😀

So… I tag:


Anniewhere she goes

Coffee n’Notes

… and everyone else that wants to do it! 🙂

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.

-Stephen Hawking
First of all, sorry for posting it a bit later than the usual! I didn’t have any internet at all last night, and I didn’t have time while I was at uni 🙂
Anyhow, I thought this quote would make you feel better about everything that happens in your life. I mean, it’s true. You are good at something, everyone is. Everyone has that special talent. You just have to find it, and use it for your good, and others’. 🙂
Now, time for me to retreat to my lab notebook…! See you all later! ❤

A Year of Reading the World: A Q&A with Ann Morgan

What Ann says is absolutely right! A lot of countries don’t have a lot of literary representation, and even if they do, they don’t have the recognition they should. I can’t wait to read her book. I’ve been following her blog for a while and she’s amazing. News

Several years ago, writer Ann Morgan noticed that she didn’t read much literature from countries outside of the United Kingdom and United States — and had yet to dive into stories from around the globe. From this realization, her blog, A Year of Reading the World, was born. You can read about Ann’s journey in her new book, Reading the World: Confessions of a Literary Explorer, available now in the UK. (The US version, The World Between Two Covers, will be released on May 4.)

I chatted with Ann about the blog-to-book journey and her experience of reading and blogging about literature from 197 countries.

For readers new to A Year of Reading the World, can you talk about your original project — and how the blog came about?

A comment someone left on a blog I wrote four years back, A Year of Reading Women

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Reading Slump.

Have you ever gone through a reading slump?

I don’t know how or why, but starting new books has been really hard for me these days. I did finish The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead, which was flawless *starry eyes*, but that’s an exception. I’ve been trying to pick up In The Afterlight about 1000x, but it has been impossible, which is rare for me. Maybe it’s the stress, maybe it’s fear that I’ll lose my favorite characters, but I don’t know. I do have lots to do for Uni and I don’t have much time for other things, but I always saved those special hours for books. (Usually Friday nights) Why is this happening? Maybe I don’t have as much time as I used to…

I’m trying to change up my game, though. One of my classmates told me that she listens to audiobooks on her way to Uni, so Im trying to do the same. Surprisingly, I do like this audiobook thing, even if it’s not the same as reading it myself. Right now I’m listening to Lola and the Boy Next Door. Lola‘s one of my favorite books. (I had read it before but it’s different now. It’s like she was telling me her story herself.) Maybe this will become a normal thing for me, even if I won’t give up on my physical/e-books. Those are sacred for me.

What do you do when you reach a reading slump?  Do you wait for it to end, or do you do something about it? Why do you think they exist for? I want to know!

“Never, for the sake of peace and quiet, deny your own experience or convictions.”

                                                                                                        -Dag Hammarskjold
It is important to acknowledge what you think, what you feel, and what you believe. Your experiences and thoughts are valid, and you must not keep silent. Life’s all about learning, and sharing what you think with your community. 🙂
That’s one of the main reasons for my blog. I needed to believe my convictions are important. Everyone’s convictions are important. We must share them with respect, though. That way, we can all learn along the way.

Quick Update: Exams, Exhaustion and Other Things.

Hello, people. Nat here.

This week has been stressful, just like the past two (I haven’t been able to post much… sorry!). I have an Organic Chem test tomorrow, and my grandmother had surgery on Monday. Anyhow, she is better now, but we spent like five hours at the hospital. My grandma will probably be discharged anytime soon. We can’t wait to be free from all this…! These past 3 months have been brutal…! I am still exhausted, and definitely sick. My throat hurts a lot!

Have you ever been so exhausted you actually cried from all the emotional things that have happened at the same time? I actually cried after my dad told me he wouldn’t take me to McDonald’s Monday night. That’s an extreme, people. I had reached my peak of emotional stress for the day and that night I just… Cried. Not for the missing McDonald’s meal… (I hope!!)

On the bright side, I did my lab yesterday, and my professor actually thought I did well. She couldn’t believe it. The approving look in her eyes was beautiful. Guys, this is the first time I achieve something like this!! 🙂

I hope to be able to post happier (and longer) things in a while. xD I owe you, guys. 🙂


Nat x

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.”
-Grenville Kleiser

You already know this. Laughing is the best medicine. 🙂
Good humor helps you overcome everything… And live better! ^.^

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Thomas A. Edison

That’s basically it!

Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep on fighting. Keep trying and you will be closer to what you want to achieve in life. If you want it, and if it’s worth it, then it probably will not be easy. But when you achieve it… Well… You will probably enjoy it more than you thought you would.

Here’s to Blogging 101… and New Friends!! :)

Blogging 101 is over, guys. It’s sad, but everything must end sometime, right? It was one of the best experiences I have ever had.

Something to have in perspective: I gained more views/followers this past month than the ones I did on 2014. Granted, I began blogging in August, but still, it’s something to consider. Having feedback from other bloggers made me realize that I have my own writing style, and that some people are actually willing to listen to what I want to say.

My blog also looks way better! 😉

A lot of my fellow bloggers followed every single one of the assignments (Something I sadly couldn’t do), and won lots of followers! I want to congratulate them. I did get some myself. I feel good, I feel… accomplished, even if I do have a long way to go.

I learned so much during these past few days. I met lots of amazing people that I will definitely keep in touch with, and became a better blogger because of them. (I want to believe that)

I also want to acknowledge some of the best people I met during Blogging 101. They were always there to support me, and to give me some much needed feedback. My new friends:

… And many others that I sadly can’t remember right now!! Last month was amazing thanks to all of you. I hope you stay here and that we all get to read more of each other’s writing… ❤


Nat x