Things I *insert heart emoji*

Reading posts like this always make me happy, as sometimes it is nice to be reminded of the things that we enjoy in life. I love going through the words knowing that the person is really excited about what they are writing. It’s one of the things I love the most about Tumblr, for example, or at least the fandom side of it -until they start fighting about things that don’t make any sense…- but I’m rambling now.

My second assignment for Writing101 is to make a list -of things I love, of things I have learned, or things that I wish. I planned on writing a post of things I wished I had told my younger self, but I decided on keeping it simple for today. I also wrote a post like this last September, so it’s nice to revisit it! This one is way shorter, but I have been busy… and I am already a day late on this assignment, so here it goes! *goes back to the study cave after this*

  1. How books make me feel. It might seem like a cliché, but it is true. For some hours, I can become someone else, learn new things and just immerse myself in new things. (Or even better, to reread a book I have loved for years. I could list some books like Graceling and Harry Potter in this category). This is  why I hate reading slumps so much -they take a really important thing from me, for months, sometimes.
  2. How awesome my family actually is. Kudos to them for helping me become the person that I am. My parents have always wanted me to make my own choices, and if they didn’t agree or I just couldn’t do it they talked to me and helped me understand. Plus, my love for the natural sciences and reading is mostly due to my mom. My dad has always worked for us to have a good life, and I will always be grateful for that. Last but not least is my “little”, annoying brother. Sometimes I just can’t stand him… but he has always wanted the best for us. He has the best intentions. Oh, well. xD
  3. My friendshowever few they actually are: Seriously, these are people that can actually stand me in my good and not so good days, AND there’s no blood relation between us (unless we’re talking about that one blood oath… but shhh xD). But really, it’s impressive, and I appreciate those people, even if I don’t deserve them. AT ALL.
  4. College (And I’m not even kidding here). It’s hard as hell and sometimes frustrating, but it’s one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. And I’m not halfway done with what I want to do, so I hope I can keep on feeling like this for however long I stay.
  5. This blog: Lately I don’t post as much as I used to, but this course is definitely sending me on the right path. SB&ST has helped me through some hard times, and there are people who I know will always be there for me. I also consider those part of #3 on my list!

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